Monday, February 22, 2010

True Colors by Kristin Hannah

I've read the most marvelous book lately; True Colors by Kristin Hannah.  Now it is a cliche to say of a book, "I couldn't put it down,' but in this particular case, it was the truth.  The book was riveting, marvelously written, the characters were engaging, and I was so engrossed in reading it that I was oblivious to everything around me.

True colors is the story of three sisters.  The characters are nuanced and drawn by the author with finesse.  I found myself really caring about what happened to each of them.

Kristin Hannah also has the most wonderful blog, which I will link you to here:

I strongly recommend this book.  It is a good read.  Keeping up with good books is one of the ways I live life beautifully.


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