Saturday, February 6, 2010

Everything Old is New Again

It is difficult for me to articulate how I become inspired to decorate a room or a home. A good portion of this creative process is my knowledge of the client, which colors they prefer, and their lifestyle. I think about their ages and how they dress. The rest is rather indefinable, but there is a restlessness I feel until I have the concept complete in my mind. When I’ve got it right, I feel wonderful, elated, and fulfilled.

I’m decorating a penthouse for a gorgeous young Greek-American couple. The space has amazing views of Norfolk’s working port, with container ships, tug boats, and barges busy at all hours. The quality of light in the home is spectacular. This couple enjoys a sense of simplicity and peacefulness in their home.

I am working with the client’s coffee table and console, which has a sand-colored travertine top and dark wooden legs. There are large velvet sofas in a graphite color and a fabulous modern wing chair covered in the Dominique Keiffer fabric. The kitchen is quite open. The color scheme for the entire space is in slate, gray, off white, and a lot of browns. My client loves touches of lavender, which I’ve included in some pillow fabric.
I’d been considering the carpet and finally decided on a custom pattern with a “wrapped look” which one our suppliers is creating for us. Soon after placing the order, I read a “trend alert” in Elle Décor about wrapping as a concept in textiles and fashion. I suppose it is a trend, but some design concepts are also timeless.

The avant garde artist Christo was innovating with wrapping as artistic expression a generation ago, as he wrapped the coast of Rhode Island, the German Reichstag, and the Grand Canyon, among other locations. All things are made new again.

So I listen to my inner voice, keep current with trends, know my classic influences and this is how I help clients live life beautifully.


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