Thursday, August 27, 2009

King Charles Cavaliers

I fell in love with the King Charles Cavalier, a spaniel breed, years ago when I was taking my daughter, Chantel, back to boarding school. Another parent who arrived at the train station with her daughter was accompanied by a beautiful King Charles on a leash. For me, it was love at first sight.

Harrods in London sells everything. I went round and checked and there was a litter of King Charles puppies which were just a bit too young to be separated from their mother. My son, Jamie and Chantel, came along with me. We were led into a room where we could interact with the puppies who proceeded to crawl all over us. We played with them for hours. They were all so adorable that it was nearly impossible to choose.

Finally, Chantel chose my beloved Poppy. She was so wonderful that even the burley Harrod’s doormen in their green livery with gold trim could hardly bear to part with her as I picked her up to go home with us in the car. Later we picked out Daisy to join Poppy. I called them my “flower children.”

Poppy thought she was the Queen of Spain. When we brought Daisy home she gave a disdainful sniff and would have nothing to do with her. Later they became inseparable and would lie down together. Bookends they were.

My current King Charles companion is Dudley. Dudley is famous in my neighborhood of Olde Towne, well known for his friendly and calm demeanor, as well as his self-possessed dignity.
Dudley comes to the shop every day with me. He greets customers and visitors. He, like all of his breed, is intelligent and very loving. He’s also a very good dog.
If I become preoccupied with work and Dudley needs to go out, he will calmly, even discretely, pull on my skirt to remind me that it is time. Dudley is a bright spot in my day, adding immeasurably to my quality of life.

Live life beautifully,


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