Monday, August 31, 2009

Peter Pan

During my trip to London, my daughter and I took my grandchildren, Hector and Ines, to a production of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. There are not enough superlative words to describe this incredible production. It was a wonder never seen before with holograms creating Neverland projected across a planetarium-like space. All four of us were absolutely amazed by it. It was sparkly, magical…stunning.

Of course, this brought back memories of when I was one of the lost children in the production of Peter Pan at the Old Scala Theater. The Scala existed as a theater from 1772 to 1969. It is now an office building, but was once featured in the Beatles’ Hard Day’s Night film.

I was 7 or 8 at the time and the late Sarah Churchill, Sir Winston’s daughter, played Peter Pan. She was hoisted in on a wire and pulley device. Sarah was once so drunk that she hit her head on the mantel and knocked herself out. The child actors were terrified of her, because we were never sure where she’d land or what she’d do.

Happily, in this luminous production of Peter Pan, there was no fear, only delight and wonder.
Live life beautifully,

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