Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Young Victoria

I wonder if you've seen The Young Victoria yet?  If not, you must!  This was a truly wonderful movie.  The costuming was marvelous and the cinematogrophy luminous.   Most of us hold that iconic vision of the stout old Queen, aging and beloved monarch, in our minds.

You will see a different Victoria in this movie.  This film shows Victoria and Albert as the passionate lovers that they were.  Despite the common understanding that Victoria was a prude, she was passionately in love with her husband until the day that he died.

Martin Scorsese and Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, produced this film.  Sarah has long been interested in Queen Victoria, the direct ancestor of her daughters Beatrice and Eugenie.  She also wrote a book about Victoria and Albert's life at Osborne.

Don't miss her splendid Cavalier King Charles, Dash!

Seeing this movie is another way to live life beautifully,


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