Monday, July 27, 2009

The Castle

I’ve started working with a new family who live in the very posh neighborhood of Norfolk, Virginia known as Ghent. They refer to their 110 year old house as, “the Castle,” an apt name in keeping with its formidable gray stone exterior.

I will be decorating the dining, living, music room, and bedrooms. These clients are a particular joy because of their love for each other and how attractive they both are. I adore working with the two of them.

My vision for this house is glamour. I want it to be sexy. It will be calm, but never boring. Really, a home should be an oasis of calm to nourish a family. This home will be beautiful to behold when it is finished; classically modern, in primarily gold, silver, wheat tones, and creams.

The pictures above show two of the fabrics which I’ll use in The Castle. The material in the first and second pictures is an embroidered silk from a supplier I use in India. This will be made in one of our workshops into draperies for the music room.

Some really exquisite fabrics are made in India, continuing a tradition going back centuries ago, when India was a Crown colony and England imported many fabrics. The green, retro-sixties material with the circles on it in the third picture is another silk from India from a personal supplier. I came across this company when attending trade shows in New York. This material will be used in the master bedroom. As you can see, I've set all the accompanying swatches for bedding and the head board on a chair in my shop. I was staging them all together to see the effect, which I thought was breathtaking.

I’ll blog more about the Castle and its royal family with more pictures as the project progresses.

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